WasteLess Restaurants

Began September 2020

We’re collaborating with local restaurants on reducing waste. Restaurant owners and employees will try out various tools and habits that will ultimately result in less packaging for take-out, and feel-good savings for local and small businesses.

Composting in the Berkshires

Fall 2020 – Summer 2020

Do you have compost that needs a home? BZWI piloted a program for compost pick-up that was so successful, it launched a family business! Learn more about Tommy’s Compost, as well as the many other opportunities that exist for both residents and businesses to recycle their organic waste.

School Waste Reduction

Spring 2021*

Working with schools is one of the most effective ways to help a community reduce their waste. Interacting with students and teachers alike, we educate them on how to compost and reduce their waste throughout the day and during lunch. They can then bring these skills home and practice them in the long-term. *Depending on school availability.

Battery Recycling


Similar to our Terracycle programs, we collect used batteries for recycling. This program is not free, and we utilize donations to keep this program running. Click the button below to learn about what types of batteries we accept and how to connect with us to recycle them.

Terracycle Programs


We are subscribed to many different Terracycle programs that help our community reduce their waste through recycling hard-to-recycle materials. Click the button below to jump to the section that describes each of our current programs, and how to participate.

Textile Recycling


We are committed to making it easy for members of our community to comply with MA’s waste disposal ban on textiles. We partner with Apparel Impact to house two textile collection bins at our office site for drop off anytime. Check out what can be recycled here with the link below.